
El Sueño de Clío es un Blog del Profesor del área de Geografía e Historia y Ciencias Sociales de Secundaria en España, y que imparte sus clases en el IES Juan A. Pérez Mercader en la provincia de Huelva. Aquí iremos publicando curiosidades y novedades relacionadas con el estudio de la Geografía y la Historia, así como las experiencias y actividades destacadas que realicemos en las clases. También disponéis de una agenda donde se publicamn las fechas de exámenes y entregas de trabajos. Tanto si eres alumno, alumna o familiar, aquí podrás encontrar un rincón tranquilo y relajado en el que repasar lo que llevamos hecho y reflexionar sobre las cosas que la vieja y algo cínica Clío quiere enseñarnos.


domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

Clio dreamed of... the First English Revolution

A Guy Fawkes mask
Remember remember, the fifth of November, the Gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder treason should ever be forgot... Next November 5th is Guy Fawkes' night in the U.K., and in an effort to share with you all the very funny and odd customs of the British people (joking mode on), and in order to commemorate such a famous and trascendental historical fact, we... What? You really don't know who Guy Fawkes was? Don't you know why it is so important the November 5th commemoration? Damn it! There is only one reason for that! You're not British, poor you! And even so, you should, as Spaniards were... somhow involved in it. Anyway I've got the medicine you need... a very little and short history pill. Choose your favourite language below and enjoy the story!
A Guy Fawkes mask            Remember remember, the fifth of November, the Gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder treason should ever be forgot... Next November 5th is Guy Fawkes' night in the U.K., and in an effort to share with you all the very funny and odd customs of the British people (joking mode on), and in order to commemorate such a famous and trascendental historical fact, we... What? You really don't know who Guy Fawkes was? Don't you know why it is so important the November 5th commemoration? Damn it! There is only one reason for that! You're not British, poor you! And even so, you should, as Spaniards were... somhow involved in it. Anyway I've got the medicine you need... a very little and short history pill. Choose your favourite language below and enjoy the story!
Mucho antes de que Francia guillotinase a su Rey, Inglaterra decapitó al suyo. Las dos revoluciones inglesas establecieron el modelo a partir del cual John Locke redactó sus escritos. Estos, a su vez, influyeron de forma decisiva en la filosofía de Jean Jacques Rousseau, y en especial en su "Contrato Social", los cuales sientan los verdaderos cimientos sobre los que se fundamenta lo que todos nosotros entendemos hoy como la democracia moderna. La Primera Revolución Inglesa -usualmente llamada la  Guerra Civil Inglesa- es un objeto de estudio secundario para el alumnado español. Tal vez se debe a que nuestra propia historiografía hunde sus raíces en la tradición francesa, mucho más centrada en su propia revolución. Pero, como pensamos que se trata de un desarrollo histórico clave, vamos a echarle un buen vistazo. Así que elegid vuestro lenguaje favorito y sumergíos -pero sin ahogaros- en la historia.

Long before France guillotined its King England beheaded its own. The English Revolutions -both of them- set up the model for John Locks writings, which, in turn, were the very foundations for Jean Jacques Rousseau´s 'The Social Contract', which, once again, set up what we now we all understand for a modern democracy. The first English Revolution -usually called the English Civil War- it's usually a bypassed study subject for Spanish students, perhaps because our own historic tradition has its roots in France and focus on the French Revolution. But, as we think it is an importan fact for understanding the European Modern and Contemporary history, we want you to have a closer look at it. So choose your most-loved language and get submerged -but not drown- into history.

A la versión en castellano
To the English version

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