Clio dreamed...
Martin Luther King during his famous speech. US NAtional Archives and Records Administration ARC 542069 |
.... a day just like today, August 28th 1963, a young baptist clergyman, Martin Luther King, climbed to
the stage to adress a quarter million people demostrating at the Lincoln
Monument, in Washington D.C. His brief speech -just 17 minutes long-
marked a touchpoint in the fight for civil rights and against
racism both in the United States and the rest of the World. Luther King had a dream, and the World changed.
To know more... / Para saber más...
Here you may find information about Martin Luther King.
This link is about the Birmingham Campaing, and the historical context in which Luther King's adreessed his speech.
Here you have a link to a youtube video of the speech.
Finally, a link with the audio of the speech and its transcription.